Tuesday, 31 July 2007


I so wanted Zach to win BB last night, he lost out to Aleisha by 2%. Deep down I knew Aleisha would win but Zach was more deserving.

Last night watching BB I was getting so pisst having to: waiting, waiting waiting for them to announce the winner because of the delay in voting

I hear on the grapevine that the computers crashed so they made excuses about it was taking a long time to count the votes because so many people voted, apparently they took the votes on the last count before it crashed - if that is so - that is not fair, they should of made them both winners.

Monday, 30 July 2007

Wednesday, 18 July 2007


Yesterday this guy came into our office (lets call him Mr. X), one of the girls said that he was cute and she always fancied him. She then asked me to ask Mr. X if he wanted to go out and have a drink with her, I told her next time I see him I will.

Today Mr. X was back in the office - I said to him I have something to ask you - One of the girls would like to know if you would go out and have a drink with her - his answer? - MAYBE and took off.

The girl came out of her office and wanted to know Mr. X's response was, which I told her - she said, so does that means no - I said yes.

I told her I would be really embarrassed if someone said no to me, I would not be able to face that person.

So she phoned Mr. X to tell him that she was sorry for getting someone else to do that for her and no hard feelings. Me being miss sticky beak wanted to know what he said, but when she phoned this guy, his phone went straight to message bank where she left her message.

PS: Check these cool guys out below! Now these men are hot, hot, hot! We need guys like this in our town :-)

Monday, 16 July 2007


No wonder why I am a little piggy, because I eat like one! The Dental Nurse, Lisa made this chocolate cake yesterday and we did the testing taste for her, not content in having one piece, no I have to be a glutton and have 3 pieces, not small pieces either, while eating I thoroughly enjoy, then afterwards I think shit "once on the lips forever on the hips"! No wonder why I am not losing anything - also have been too scared to hop on scales because I know deep down what the outcome will be (I normally weigh in once a week - but have not done for nearly 3 weeks). I blame the winter for my eating binges - I just have to eat, thank god I go to the gym otherwise I would look like an over sized sumo wrestler-if that is possible! I know I shouldn't blame the weather as that is just an excuse as not to blame myself. I'd love to go on one of the shows, like Celebrity Overhaul, the only problem is I am not a celebrity.

PS: I have just been over to the post - and I got a parcel - love parcels - thanks Odi, now I can pamper myself.

Thursday, 12 July 2007

Wednesday, 11 July 2007


AC came into the office today as she had an interview for DON's (Director of Nursing) position at the hospital, she looked very suave dressed up as I normally only see her in uniform or gym wear. I know she would of went well in the interview (she didn't even look nervous when she came into the office - if she was she was hiding it pretty well!)

AC will not know for another 2/3 weeks if she has got the position - I am hoping she does! Now it is the waiting game for her.

Monday, 9 July 2007


Michelle was evicted from BB last night - I will miss her liveliness in the house, she made me laugh . She was loud, a stirrer, tells them how it is, didn't pussy foot around anyone, always up for a laugh, a bit of mischief and didn't mind giving big brother what for too. That's what they needed in the house someone to liven the place up as the rest of them are pretty dull and boring. She made the house interesting and entertaining.

Odi I know you only watched this show in Sydney as you don't get BB in Darwin and you knew her years ago and she was the same then - but I think she was a breath of fresh air to the show. YOU ROCK MICHELLE, LOVIN YA SICK!

Sunday, 8 July 2007


Played netball yesterday against Laverton and a few minutes into the 2nd quarter down I go from a kick into my calf muscle from the girl on the opposite team - ouch the pain - wanted soooo much to cry but there were too many people around and thought I'd better be a tough cookie and not a pussy cat! (We kicked arse at nebtall defeated Laverton). I had to work up at the hospital that afternoon - not that I did anything - as I could hardly walk so most of the afternoon I was in a wheelchair to get me around - talk about looked like an invalid! Gawd I feel for people that are in constant pain.

Gym mate AC the wimp called to say she is too tired (we were doing a 7.00am session - not too early at all) - wasn't happy chappy and told her that I was calling in sick that afternoon as I was working with her, then lunch time while playing netball the above happened to me but me being the champ that I am I literally hopped along to work!!! I have to say though AC thanks for the shift it was cruisy and for helping me out, no I am not the champ you are :-) also Tiff for getting the wheelchair ready and attending to the care of my leg when I got there - thumbs up to the staff at the hospital. I will be at least hobblying around for the next few days.

Friday, 6 July 2007


I watched a report on TV a few nights ago in regard to Chef's in restaurants and what they do to people's food when they are not happy with their meal. This story was based in England but I am sure this happens all over the world

They showed on TV people who returned their meals because they were not happy and what some Chefs has actually done, one peed in the soup, one wipe his bum on their steak and another sprinkled pubic hair (yuk) in their burger - oh my gawd it was disgusting - that made my tummy turn.

I have on many occasions have returned my meal back to the kitchen if I am not happy, especially in regard to meat as I like my meat cooked really really well done, if there is an ounce of blood in it, straight back it goes.

After seeing that progamme I will always be grateful for what they put in front of me - because if I complain you never know what they will do to my meal, just be happy with what I got even if is not what I wanted!!

Tuesday, 3 July 2007

ME AND MY BIG MOUTH...........

That will teach me for opening my mouth, thinking everything is honky dory!!
Today I emailed AC bragging to her about how 1/2 day has nearly passed us and the sun is out, the sky is blue, birds are chirping and I am cruising away doing my payroll sipping on a delicious icy cold Ice Coffee, everything is going perfectly.

Since I have bragged to AC everything has gone wrong. I have been trying to download a new version for my payroll but nothing has gone right. When we have a problem with Quicken Payroll we ring our support team over east - and you can imagine what it is like at this time of the year trying to get through to them, you get a recorded message ....... "Welcome to Quicken Payroll you are listed number 11 in line, your waiting time is 1/2 hour, we will be with you as soon as we can", HELLO you just told me 1/2 an hour.

So when we do finally get through to them and thinking we have solved the problem, you hang up. Once off the phone you realise the problem is still there, so again we call them (6 times today we rang -with their usual recorded message) - Welcome to Quicken Payroll blah, blah blah , it is sooooo frustrating.

Where I work the office has only about 8 people, so it is not like a city office where there is hundreds and you have an IT man based in the office that just comes and fixes the problem straight away - no we have to deal with people thousands of miles away via phone.

As I sign off from my Blog the problem is still not solved - Oh well tomorrow is another day!!!