Played netball yesterday against
Laverton and a few minutes into the 2
nd quarter down I go from a kick into my calf muscle from the girl on the opposite team - ouch the pain - wanted
soooo much to cry but there were too many people around and thought I'd better be a tough cookie and not a pussy cat! (We kicked arse at
nebtall defeated
Laverton). I had to work up at the hospital that afternoon - not that I did anything - as I could hardly walk so most of the afternoon I was in a wheelchair to get me around - talk about looked like an invalid! Gawd I feel for people that are in constant pain.
Gym mate
AC the wimp called to say she is too tired (we were doing a 7.00am session - not too early at all) - wasn't happy chappy and told her that I was calling in sick that afternoon as I was working with her, then lunch time while playing netball the above happened to me but me being the champ that I am I literally hopped along to work!!! I have to say though
AC thanks for the shift it was
cruisy and for helping me out, no I am not the champ you are :-) also Tiff for getting the wheelchair ready and attending to the care of my leg when I got there - thumbs up to the staff at the hospital. I will be at least
hobblying around for the next few days.