Thursday 31 May 2007


Andrea Tagged Me
Each player starts with 7 random fact/habits about themselves. People who are tagged need to write on their own blog about their 7 things as well as these rules. You need to choose 7 people to get tagged (which I don't have) and list their names. Don't forget to leave them a comment telling them that they have been tagged and to read your blog.

7 Things About Me:

1. After spending 6 months overseas and arriving back home I was stripped and body searched at Perth International Airport for 5 hours, how embarrassment (that's Effie talk) - I am anti drugs - a big no no for me (a long story).

2. I can bend my thumb to touch my arm easily.

3. Loathe green beans, beans make my stomach turn and I want to throw up.

4. When I get my eyebrows plucked (prefer plucking to waxing) I find it so relaxing (weird but true).

5. If I have a shower 3 times a day I shave my legs and underarms 3 times - just a habit.

6. We had vineyards when I was younger, did not have to employ anyone to pick the grapes as there are many of us in the family and I got my right leg caught in between the tractor and trailer thingy, still have a scar on the back of my leg to this day.

7. The most famous person I have ever come across was Noah Wyle that played Dr. Carter in ER when we were in Los Angeles, USA.


  1. Hey and dont forget the man from Home and Away that asked for our help on the computer in the internet cafe when we were in Hollywood USA, and we seen Fabio from afar when we were driving past his cafe... Odi

  2. Odi
    I forgot about FABIO the most beautiful man in the COSMOS!! and Irenes husband in Home & Away yeah that was a crack up.

  3. Hi Jen

    I cant believe you shower and shave three times a day. You must be the cleanest most hair free person around. To exhausting for me, I just wax and then I dont have to worry about it for a few weeks. I hope I meet some stars while Im away.


  4. Tania
    Can't handle hair stubble at all. I am sure you will meet someone famous along your travels then again you might meet the man of your dreams: a hunky European man and live happily ever after in a nice part of France or Italy - mmmmmmmm.
