Friday, 1 June 2007


Its chaotic here in the office as we have our Golden Gift Athletic Carnival happening this weekend and everyone is running around like a blue arse fly including myself, not sure whether I am Arthur or Martha at present as I have a 100 and 1 things on my mind (don't forget to do this, make sure this is done etc etc) then I remember to take a deep breath and say to myself that I can only do 1 thing at a time not a 100!!

Over the weekend we also have a 50km cycle challenge, received an email yesterday to say they have no women riders in the Open or Local division and if we wanted to we could do the cycle challenge with 2 riders doing 25kms each - my mind started ticking over with the $ sign thinking this could be easy money made. Not that I have a bike at home and I can ride and I do ride the exercise bike at the gym (that counts doesn't it!!). My gym mate Andrea has piked so I might ride with another girl Tracy. If sounds easy: we can do 10 kms then swap but thinking 9.00am start, very chilly, wind factor, can I handle it or am I all talk no action woman!! Anyway still thinking about it and all that comes to my mind is $$$$, probably wont even win anyway and knowing our luck it will take us 8 hours not 2 but then again I would of done my 1 weeks exercise in one ride!!!

The day is nearly over but I can't wait for the actual weekend to come to an end.

(sore backside I can feel now - Yee Haah)

1 comment:

  1. Well are you walking like a cowboy with a carrot up his ass hee hee ha ha or were you all talk and no bike ride!!!
    p.s thought id gloat, just brought a 5kg box of banana prawns straight from the trawler- Mmmm Prawn Laksa for dinner (you should be here!)Odi
