Went to the gym early this morning, walked into the room and there is this guy on his mobile having a full on conversation while running on the treadmill (he had his head tilted holding the phone between his ear and shoulder). Who on earth would he be talking to at this time of the morning being 6.00am - HELLO! (most people are still sleeping at that time of the morning). At one stage he was preparing to do weights and thought to myself this is going to be interesting, how the hell is he going to hold the phone while lifting weights? But no the weights got the better of him. Nearly the whole time we were there if he wasn't on the phone he was text messaging. I felt like grabbing his phone and shoving it up his backside.
We should've shoved it up his rear.. what a dork!! I fully thought he was going to come a cropper on the tready on FULL incline hanging on with one hand... holding his phone and talking with the other all while trying to run. WTF???