Monday 30 April 2007


I went to to see my mum in Kalgoorlie on the weekend, she is in an Aged Care Home as she has Alzheimer's and while I am there visiting I feel so guilty because I look at her and she looks like she is lonely and lost but the staff tell me she is happy and loves singing, mum still has her mobility which is a good thing. My mum remembers long term stuff but short term no. The staff there look after her well, tend to her daily needs and at the end of the day she has the 24 hour care that she requires. When I arrive I am happy to see her but when I leave it brings great sadness and tears every time. Mum did not have an easy life but certainly worked hard at it and she certainly does not deserve this. LOVE YOU MUM.

It is about a 2 hour trip to Kalgoorlie, not much to see along the way besides a town where you blink and you will miss it, so when driving to Kal you have to have your eyes peeled in every direction hoping you don't hit one of the above animals. I have never hit any of them but have come close to narrowly missing a roo, emu (they are so dumb) and eagles and Julie that works in our office has actually hit a cow and Tim (if you are ready this) remember when you hit the goats and you were too scared to get out of your car because they had surrounded you!!. They say when a kangaroo jumps onto the road just to hit them but my first instinct is to slam on the brakes.


  1. JB you need to have faith in what the staff at the home say (that yr Mum is happy) and remember that atleast you can spend quality time with your Mum by visiting and showing her you love her. Her illness is out of your hands and I'm she would hate to think she had caused you any sadness by worrying about her. Enjoy the precious moments you have left with her Jen, because if she's anything like you it means she has a very strong heart and is a beautiful person :-)
    Life is really unfair sometimes.

    Oh... on my way back from Kal I nearly hit another CAR, dickhead swerved into my lane and STAYED there, I had to hit the dirt to miss him. Dodging Roo's and emus is a breeze compared to that!

  2. Andrea
    Thanks for the your kind words, I had tears in my eyes reading your comment, yes life is unfair at times.
