Gosh time is flying and Christmas is just around the corner. I saw this most gorgeous Christmas tree in Kal a few weeks ago at a gift shop, it was about 2 foot tall and made out of fake red roses (no not plastic but material) with little fairy lights through it - I fell in love with it and wanted it, but the price of it was ridiculous, have not stop thinking about it so if it is still in the shop when I go back then I was meant to have it. A certain person that left Leo a few months ago was throwing out her branch/twig tree that she decorates as a Xmas tree (which I so wanted for my back patio) but no it was given to someone else and here I thought she was my friend - so jingle bells to her!!
Nice Christmas display Jen.
ReplyDeleteYou have a nasty 'friend'...
Jo xx
Jo - Nasty "friend" I will never let her live that one down.
ReplyDeleteWill you PUH-LEASE get OVER the freakin twig??? Just take a quick glance out your front door at the KAZILLION other twigs eagerly awaiting placement on your back patio.
ReplyDeleteEither that or go steal it from Linds...hee hee.
Now go put your Jingle Bells where they belong and stop moaning
AC - Me laughing at your comment!
ReplyDeleteI will always be in that mood over the twig when I left your place knowing who you gave that twig to someone else, kicking the bin and cracking the shits - I know I can get any twig BUT I liked that TWIG!
May be it is a good thing that you two 'friends/sisters' don't live in the same town anymore...he he he he
ReplyDeleteJo xx
Jo Jo you should'v seen the two year old tantrum she threw... hilarious!
ReplyDeleteIt was a Friggin TWIG for gawds sake.
JB do us all a favour and go buy the Rose-tree (Please Lord let it still be there and discounted so she buys it right away), then maybe we can all forget the twig.
ReplyDeleteI am thinking you and I could steal that twig back... So what if her and her husband are cops... we could so do it, black turtle necks and all.
I can't believe she gave that twig away to Linds who has been in the town for 5 minutes and you are her sister for gods sake.
I tell ya some people??
Sorry AA but I have to back The Fina on this one!
Kazzie -
ReplyDeleteGood plan, if you can get the black turtle necks I am with you all the way.
Thanks for backing me and not AC.