Monday 11 June 2007

FEEL LIKE SHIT (Sorry But That's How I Feel)

I feel and look like shit today. I have not been well the last few days due to the long weekend and overtime (not that I am complaining about the overtime as next pay packet will be a good one again) probably run down more than anything.

I fell asleep last night, missing the last 1/2 hour of Big Brother and I so, so wanted to watch the movie: Tsunami - The Aftermath but the sleep got the better of me (did anyone tape it? would love a copy). Had plans to go to the gym this morning on my own (5.00am its bloody dark and a little scary) and my gym partner Andrea is doing night shift at the hospital (hurry up and finish nights) but overslept, woke up at 7.00am and feeling worse for wear (as if I had a big night out on the turps!) No time to wash my hair (it takes me about two hours to do my hair) my hair is naturally curly (which I hate) so I have to straighten my hair with my straigthening iron (which I love) and time I did not have this morning. Eventhough I had a shower this morning -I got to work and I looked/felt terrible especially my hair, as yesterday spent and hour out in the glorious sun - nudy sunbaking and forgot to wrap my hair up like I always do as I am a coconut oil girl so the oil got in my hair. Now I look like I have an oil slick, it just feels yukky and with me sneezing and sniffing - not a pretty sight. Roll on knock off time.

I recruited another new blogger to start a blog - my friend Jodi. I said I would set it all up for her - Jodi will not have an excuse now to blog. Mark my words Jodi it is very addictive! I got my workmate Kelly onto it and now she is hooked, she is onto her other friends to be blogger mates too. POWER TO THE BLOGGERS!

Its amazing how I am so busy at work (which I really am) - and still manage to blog!! - I find blooging very therapeutic.


  1. Oh my gawd... who was a grumpy bear today then??

    You need to
    1. EMBRACE your curls
    2. Buy an Alarm clock
    3. Get IC into you...STAT!(always makes ya feel better!)


  2. Andrea

    Me not grumpy me just run down.

    EMBRACE my curls - I think Not!

    Buy an alarm clock - I have 2!

    Get IC into me - I always!
