Sunday night at about 9.15pm I had hung out the washing & walking back to the door I saw my cat Miss Tubby acting unusual - then spotted the snake against the wall. I went into panic mode, throwing what ever I could at Miss Tubby to scare her away from the snake, thinking that the snake will bite her. I scream out to the neighbour to call the Ranger & he arrived 5 minutes later (1/2 tanked mind you) walks out to the back patio where the snake is (mumbling it is harmless) then goes back to his car and brings out his rifle....WFT! If he shoots the snake he is gunna wake up the whole street. I stay indoors & keep out of his way then next I hear him driving off in his car. Thank god he did not shoot the snake but I have no idea whether he caught it? A strange man he is!
I was told it was only a harmless python, I don't care if it is harmless or not as far as I am concerned a snake is a snake & they scare the hell out of me.
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